Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reaction: Meinhoff has Mental Issues

My first issue with the movie was the government’s failure. The government that fails to protect its citizens invites terrorist organizations like the RAF. The fact that the German police sat by while the Persian thugs beat the populace senseless was unacceptable and inappropriate. If anything the Shah of Iran should have been beaten and dragged to a court house by the rapid response of the police for causing a riot.


Now on to Meinhoff. Meinhoff was a coward. She may have felt what they were doing was right but it was apparent throughout the movie that she was torn as to what she felt was the right thing to do. She at any point had the power to end the escalating situation but decided to quietly support it. Though it appeared that she did so quite reluctantly. She even goes so far as to flee to the East (Jordan?) and join them in a more formal terrorist training regimen. Apparently part of the group now.


Meinhoff eventually managed to brainwash herself to the RAF cause. (very clearly the wrong choice) She even decides that giving her children over to the Palestinians, never to see them again, may be the right thing to do. (though they end up with their Dad) I nearly laughed at how absurd this woman is, creating a better world for her children by giving them away to a militant terrorist organization. That’s got to be better than the Germany she left behind (sarcasm).


I sympathized with the police, The war against “The Enemy of the People” had gotten personal for many of the police. The fact that so many of them were taken alive I think really speaks volumes of the discipline of the police force. I was half expecting a shoot to kill order to be given in regards to known members of the RAF being they seemed to be more willing to die than be captured.

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